On Offer

Courses, Documents, Templates and more


Get Savvy with Social media

With over 8 years of experience in Digital Marketing and Social Media… My true passion lies in empowering people to become savvy with social media, so that their businesses can thrive in the evolving Digital Marketing Industry! And that’s why I’m here – to help you and your business grow! Not only am I here to help you become savvy with social media, but ultimately to teach you to use the social media space to get leads, make sales and thrive!



Online Course. Downloadable content available per lesson.
  • Introduction
  • Lesson 1 – Choosing your Platforms
  • Lesson 2 – Conquer Your Content
  • Lesson 3 – Your Content Mix
  • Lesson 4 – Write Compelling Captions
  • Lesson 5 – Get to Grips With Graphics
  • Lesson 6 – Scheduling Your Content
  • Lesson 7 – Your Sales Funnel
  • Lesson 8 – How To Get Your First FB & IG Ad Live
  • Lesson 9 – Instagram Reels